Emrie's Big GIrl Room

Decorating Emrie’s room was by far the funnest project I have done. I had a vision and a BUDGET! The first thing i did was sell all of her old stuff and used the money to buy new. I posted all of the items on a local facebook group that allows you to sell your items using front porch pick up. This page has been so great to get rid of any clutter and to make a few bucks! 

I’m a sucker for an ikea hack so I decided to get her the IKEA Neiden twin size bed- at only $29 I knew I could put a few extra dollars into it and and make my vison come to life. The Neiden bed is perfect for a toddler- It’s low to the ground (in case she rolls out) and this also makes it easy to crawl in and out of. We did not purchase the slatted bed base to put under the mattress, instead we just went to home depot and got plywood cut to size. 

Once the bed came we sanded it down, stained it and then assembled it.  Before we attached the headboard to the legs we stapled the cane webbing to the back (link bellow). This was super easy! We lined it up so that is was even, then stapled from one corner to the next. You don’t want to do this too tight because with each staple it gets tighter. Basically, you just staple the crap out of it. LOL 

cane webbing order number: W901U

1/2 inch open mesh, unbleached 

18inch width; 3 feet 8 inches

stain is a half and half mixture of weathered oak and early bird- Varathane Classic Wood Stain
Colors: peach, golden rod, sandstone, coral and burnt orange

Now for the rainbows- (insert googly heart eyes) I purchased these from Etsy. They are a vinyl stick on. Super easy to put on…..not so easy to get the spacing right. I like them because they are a handpainted look so if one is a little crooked, you can’t tell. I started by doing one row across the top (measured and spaced evenly), then one row down the side. After that I just did the second row starting in the middle of both rows..not sure if that makes sense, but you don’t want then directly under or beside the other rows.  I have this saved to a highlight on my Instagram. From here on out I just eye-balled it and used the previous rainbows as reference. 

Her bedding is from Taregt (links bellow) and is so so soft, reasonably priced and matches everything else perfect! The pillows I just picked up from random places- The usual…Home Goods, Target and Walmart. My advice when picking linens is, don’t be afraid to mix and match patterns, textures and colors. When things get too matchy matchy it won’t look right. 

I splurged on the rug and mirror. They were the most expenisve purchases for the room, but MAN….I just fell in  love with them. Home Depot doesn’t carry this mirror anymore, but I’ve attached a link for a similar one.

I hope you love it as much as i do! I have provided all of the links bellow. Reach out if you have any questions!



Click the picture to shop the decor

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