Ikea Kids Table Hack
Well…here we go with another Ikea Hack. I seriously just love Ikea so much. It’s affordable, super good quality and I love being able to customize stuff for my home.
When shopping for a table for the kids I found so many cute options, but ultimately went with the Ikea one because of the price. And lets not forget all of the other really cool stuff I ordered along with the table lol. The table is $29 + $10 shipping. If you order from ikea, always take a look at the home decor and kitchen stuff- tons of cute things at amazing prices.
I started looking on Pintrest for some inspo and nothing really grabbed my attention. I read one blog post and the girl said she spray painted one side of the table with chalkboard paint and wanted to be able to use both sides. Ummm….you would literally have to take the table apart to flip the top over. And my kids are messy. You can’t just wipe of paint or crayon from a chalkboard. Not a good option! Most people also said they painted it before they built it, but that doesn’t make sense to me. Have you ever painted something with 4 sides and then have to wait for it to dry?? You are bound to eff something up (yep. I said it). I originally wanted to leave as much of the table the natural wood as possible, but all I could think of is greasy cheeto finger prints everywhere and not being able to wash them clean. I ended up going with white because it would brighten up my space…and I’m kinda obsessed with white and black right now. It’s my jam.

Ok, so let’s get to it.
I built the table first, then I taped off the top and bottom of the table and the top and bottom of the seat. To me, it seemed easier to do a little tapping then to go through the process of waiting for one side to dry before you do the next. I then taped the table legs off at 4 inches (tape below the 4 inches) and the chair legs off at 3 1/2 inches (tape below) because they are shorter and I thought it was too high at 4 inches. I used some leftover paint that I had from the babies room. It is just Sherwin Williams, Alabaster in a satin finish. I knew it would be so easy to wipe clean, but you can use whatever you want. I do not suggest chalk paint because it soaks up stains very easily. (Home Depot sells Swiss Coffee in a small can for super cheap. Thats a good option too.) Using a sponge brush, I started with the bottom of the table and chairs, flipped them over and started painting the rest. The sponge brush made painting super easy.
I found some stencils in the dollar section at target and knew they would be perfect to paint a cute design on the chairs. So, I measured off and figured out where to place them so it could be even on the sides. Little did I know, the chairs do not hold paint. It wouldn’t soak in. My cool designed was about to be compromised. I thought about it for a min and decided to get ghetto and just use a permanent marker. It worked. It actually friggen worked. I knew later on down the road it might get smudged or fade so (another bright idea) I pulled out my Mod Podge and painted over it. If that didn’t work I was going to find someone with a Cricut printer to cut out some vinyl triangles. The Mod Podge will dry clear and acts as a sealer. I also put two coats of Mod Podge over the natural wood in the legs of the table and chairs.

There is so much cool stuff you can do with this table. Make it yours! Let it complement your space. Have fun with it because you know your kids will probably get crap all over it eventually anyways. LOL
I have linked up another (but more expensive) kids table that I love and some other items. Until the next Ikea Chronicle…..
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